Statement on Service 

To keep our recovery, it is suggested we give it away through service. Chairing a meeting, sponsoring a fellow addict, or participating in local service projects are examples of actions that break isolation, form community, meet the needs of SCA members and meetings, and help us stay sober. One way to perform service is to participate in The St. Louis Area SCA Service Committee which supports workshops, socials, and outreach and maintains our local website,  The Service Committee meets the first Sunday of every even-numbered month (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) from 5 – 6 pm at the Steps Alano Club and hybrid online. All SCA members are welcome to participate. It is suggested all meetings have a rep to attend.

Steps Alano Club, 3974 Humphrey 63116 Zoom ID: 724 602 8622 Passcode: service

Statement on Sponsorship

It is suggested that every SCA member have a sponsor, someone who has made progress in S-Recovery, attends meetings and works the steps. A sponsor shares their experience, strength and hope with the fellow addict who is seeking sobriety through SCA.